VMPC members are encouraged to engage in ongoing professional development throughout their careers. There are many ways to demonstrate your educational commitment to your profession including: attending webinars and conferences, reading or writing articles, connecting with colleagues for information sharing, earning your CVA designation, and participating in formal education opportunities.
National Volunteer Management Certificate Program
Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada is pleased to announce our partnership with Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario in the launch of a national Volunteer Management Certificate Program. This certificate is offered through various delivery methods of in-person, online and hybrid begins in September and will end in June.
The Volunteer Management Certificate Program builds personal, organizational and community capacity by equipping students with the skills needed to successfully recruit and retain volunteer resources. The program is designed for paid staff or volunteers who currently or plan to effectively engage volunteers in the not for profit sector.
This national program is offered in partnership with the Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada. The courses align with the accepted professional and program standards established by the Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada, Volunteer Canada and the National Occupational Standards.
The program provides students with the up-to-date information, resources and tools needed to develop and implement best practices. Using a unique portfolio approach, students create a customized and comprehensive set of tools and resources for their organization.
There are three delivery models, in class, hybrid or fully online and can be completed in one year. It is ideal for anyone who works with volunteers, from small faith-based organizations to community centres to large hospitals or municipalities. The skills are highly transferable for supervisory or leadership roles.
The program provides the foundation for graduates wishing to further their professional development and pursue an International designation in Volunteer Administration.
It is strongly recommended that applicants to the program have previous volunteer experience. Graduates are seen as leaders who can affect positive change in their communities through facilitating quality volunteer engagement.
For more courses, view Charity Village’s listing of Post-Secondary Education in Non-Profit Management.