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For Employers > What are the typical responsibilities and qualifications of a Volunteer Management Professional?

What are the typical responsibilities and qualifications of a Volunteer Management Professional?

affiché le 12:32 PM, Juin 17, 2014

The position description of a Volunteer Management Professional may vary with each organization.  Small organizations often combine the responsibilities with other related functions.  In larger organizations, there may be several staff with various levels of responsibility, or with specialization in certain functions, such as Directors, Managers and Coordinators.  The National Occupational Standards provides detailed lists of the tasks and responsibilities of Volunteer Management Professionals.

No matter the size of your organization, recruit an individual who has a post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate in Volunteer Resources Administration from an accredited post-secondary institute, is internationally CVA certified or willing to certify, is actively involved in the profession and demonstrates commitment to volunteerism.  Ensure they have the experience and leadership required to be successful in your organization as well as the necessary managerial, communication and people skills.

The Position Profiles tool describes the typical job duties and position titles for volunteer management professionals working at three levels of responsibility.  They are intended as a companion resource to the National Occupational Standards to help employers develop or update a Volunteer Management Professional job description specific to their needs.

The Position Description Template outlines the key elements in the management of volunteer resources.  It can be used as a starting point for developing a specific position description for your organization.

The Knowledge, Skills and Abilities required for each element in the position description have been identified for employers.  They also form the framework for the selection of interview questions and curriculum for professional development, and correlate with the National Occupational Standards.