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For Employers > What ongoing support and professional development needs to be considered?

What ongoing support and professional development needs to be considered?

affiché le 12:33 PM, Juin 17, 2014

When hiring a Volunteer Management Professional, you will want to look for someone who is internationally certified in Volunteer Management Administration. Check this link for more information.  Please contact the VMPC Certification Chair at .

A candidate who has completed a post-secondary certificate or degree in volunteer management will possess advanced knowledge in the field of volunteer management.

National, international and provincial conferences on volunteer management are offered throughout the world. A Volunteer Management Professional who is dedicated to continuing professional development will have attended conferences, presented at them, or helped to organize local conferences. Canadian national conferences are advertised each spring on the VMPC Website.

Local workshops are organized in many places focusing on specific skill building for the Volunteer Management Professional. Professionals in the field will be engaged in these local professional development opportunities as participants, presenters and organizers. For more information about local professional development opportunities check the websites of provincial organizations on the VMPC website.

Active and continuous membership with VMPC as well as with provincial or local professional associations is also a very important in order to remain abreast of the current trends and latest information regarding the profession.