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What's New - Francais > ENCERCLEZ CES DATES SUR VOTRE CALENDRIER : 7, 8 et 9 juin 2012! > Comment "gRNyTupqa" > Comment "Re: gRNyTupqa"

Re: gRNyTupqa
par Rajveer, affiché le 4:02 AM, Novembre 18, 2012
spellbound_spiritMay 28, 2011This is what I do. I press CTRL + T (On a Mac it would be Apple + T). That is Free Transform. To make it smaller now, you drag your mouse to one of the cnreors and you hold SHIFT. Now just adjust the picture to your liking and when you are done, just press ENTER. But make sure you hold SHIFT when you resize it, otherwise you might accidentally put your picture out or proportion, or distort it. Hope I helped! :]