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For Professionals > What ongoing support and professional development should I negotiate with my employer?

What ongoing support and professional development should I negotiate with my employer?

affiché le 9:52 AM, Juin 17, 2014

There are number of ways you can enhance your skills, increase your knowledge of current trends and network with others’ in the profession. Some of these include:

  • Becoming a member of VMPC as well as provincial or local associations for Managers of Volunteer Resources.
  • Obtaining the CVA certification offered through CCVA, an internationally recognized standard in the profession.
  • Attending conferences offered annually by VMPC or local/provincial associations
  • Taking courses or seminars in volunteer resources management which are often offered at local colleges, online and through professional associations.
  • Reading books and publications on volunteering, volunteerism and volunteer management.
  • Becoming actively involved by volunteering in the community or on a Board of directors. 

You can also identify specific professional development needs by consulting the VMPC Skills, Knowledge and Abilities tool.