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Conference Thursday Nights Social Activities > #3 Dinner and Live Music at Guilt & Co in Historic Gastown (March 9 @ 5:30pm)

#3 Dinner and Live Music at Guilt & Co in Historic Gastown (March 9 @ 5:30pm)

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Date: May 9, 2024

Meeting Location: Conference hotel lobby

Meeting Time: 5:30pm

VMPC Member Host: Jennifer 

Registration Deadline: April 9

Approximate Cost: $0 event booking, $20-$40 dinner, $20-$40 drinks (optional), music show fee with bill $10

We'll start with a 20 minute stroll through historic Gastown and Water St. Aiming to get to Guilt & Co a few minutes before their opening time of 6pm so we can get a spot for our group. 

Guilt & Co is first come first serve, no reservations. It's a great venue in Vancouver for live music with a unique atmosphere and dancing.

We'll do dinner or appies and networking at 6pm. Meals are approximately $20. Live music show starts at 7pm. We'll stay for snacks and drinks during the first live music show set, aiming to leave around 8:30pm.

We'll plan to walk back to the hotel together afterwards or can talk as a group about sharing taxi/Uber fees if desired.  

This event has a $0 registration fee. Thanks for registering for this event, we need to know how many people will be attending. Food, drinks and music at the venue ill be paid individually by attendees. Find the menu HERE

From the venue's FAQ page:

How do I pay for the music?

Thank you for asking! To help compensate the incredible professional musicians entertaining you, we simply add $6 per person to your bill for every set you are in the audience for. As an example, two-hours of quality live music will cost you about the same as a glass of wine. 100% of those monies go to the artists and the live music program.

We think this is better than charging a larger fee at entry (cover charge) because you are only billed for the time you are here and listening to music. So you can plan your visit to be as short or as long as your budget allows.

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